A Prayer to the Holy Spirit to Achieve Holiness

A Prayer to the Holy Spirit to Achieve Holiness +++

I am going to reveal to you the secret of sanctity and happiness. Every day for five minutes, control your imagination, and close your eyes to all the noises of the world in order to enter into yourself. Then, in the sanctuary of your Baptized soul (which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit), speak to that Divine Spirit, saying to Him:

“Oh Holy Spirit, Beloved, of my soul, I adoure You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me, tell me what I should do – give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself, to all, that You, desire of me, and to accept all, that You, permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your Will.”
Amen. +++

If you do this, your life will flow along happily, serenely, and full of consolation, even in the midst of trials. Grace will be proportioned to the trial, giving you the strength to carry it and you will arrive at the Gate of Paradise, laden with merit. This submission to the Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctity.

– By Cardinal Mercier

Prayer:Holy One of Israel, deepen my desire to fully know You as I am fully known by You. Forgive me of my prayerlessness and thinking I can work my way towards holiness apart from seeking Your face. Show me what it truly means to be holy as You are holy! Shine on me Holy God!

Prayer: Holy God, show me how to purify myself from what pollutes my body and spirit! Guard my heart and help me to focus all that I am upon the beauty of Your holiness! Give me strength to walk away from the arrogance of my own thoughts and actions so that day by day I look more like Jesus. Show me how to walk towards a more perfect holiness. Shine on me, Holy God!

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